Ruth Ng

Ruth Ng

Pink-Haired Cryptographer

DSO National Laboratories



Hi! I am currently a Research Engineer at DSO National Laboratories in Singapore. I am also an Adjunct Scientist at A*STAR. I obtained my PhD at UCSD, and was advised by Mihir Bellare and David Cash. Before that, I was an undergrad at UChicago, during which time I worked with Ariel Feldman and Paul (KhoongMing) Khoo.

It is a theory of mine (publication pending) that most people who come to this page are trying to figure out how to spell/ pronounced my last name. If so, please resist the urge to add vowel sounds in random locations and pronouce it like in fuNGus.

  • Provable security
  • Cryptographic frameworks
  • Encrypted databases
  • Cloud security
  • PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, 2021

    University of California, San Diego

  • BS in Computer Science, 2015

    University of Chicago

  • BA in Mathematics, 2015

    University of Chicago

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